Place Extra Supplies Along Your Bug Out Routes and Secondary Paths
A bug out situation is an event that you hope never happens, but you do want to be prepared for. That means that you should plan for every contingency. That includes making sure that you have extra supplies hidden along your bug out route as well as along secondary paths.
Having a cache means hiding supplies or anything else that you think you might need in case something happens to the supplies you already have. In the blink of an eye, you can lose important supplies or even everything if you’re ambushed or you have to flee from an animal attack.
Without supplies, your odds of surviving diminish. Most preppers understand that a cache is a plan B in case plan A gets derailed. It’s also something handy to have in case you run into a situation where you use up your supplies faster than you estimated that you would.
You need to make sure that your cache is well hidden and protected by the elements. That means you have to use the right container to keep your cache safe. You can use plastic piping for this purpose.
You use wide plastic piping, fill it with some extra supplies, then cap it off. You can also use any storage box that’s waterproof and rust proof. Put whatever you think might come in handy in the container, then seal it up.
To save on costs, some preppers will take those large water containers and load those with items like extra first aid materials or survival supplies like water sanitation methods and extra ammo.
You can also use small or large storage bins, but you need to make sure that you find a hiding place above ground since storage bins can break down when stored underground.
Whatever material you choose to use for your cache, you want to make sure that it offers as much protection for your supplies as you can get. You want whatever you choose to be able to withstand temperature changes as well as rain.
Some preppers store basic things in a cache like extra clothes, shoes, weapons, tools, a way to create a shelter, and other items needed to survive for a few days. Others hide canned food and water alone – or these items in addition to extra supplies like maps, knives, or paracord.
You’ll want to keep in mind when hiding a cache that the area where you place the storage container can change over time. What looks one way will look different three months down the road.
That’s why you need to create a document where you list where you’ve hidden your cache or caches. By hiding a cache or two, you’re taking extra steps to make sure you’re protected.