Use Unscented Toiletries When Bugging Out in Dangerous Situations
Making sure that you have a bug out bag is the first step in making sure you survive any situation that’s a threat to life as you know it.
Most preppers understand the need to keep quiet about their supplies and not tell anyone what they have when they’re bugging out. They know that spreading the word that they have supplies can make them a target. However, you might be making yourself a target and not even realize it.
When you’re bugging out in a dangerous situation, you need to make sure that you’re using unscented toiletries.
Using a product that has a scent is like having a sign pointing the way to you. People can follow a scent trail even if they’re not trained in survival tactics. Wild animals can also pick up a scented toiletry trail and follow it right to you.
When you bathe or wash your hands, you need to be sure that the soap you use is a plain bar or liquid that leaves no trace on your skin. If you have a scent on your hands, all it takes is for you to touch something and you leave behind the ability for someone to track you.
If you’re someone who uses the liquid hand sanitizers while the different sweet scents might smell good to you, they can be potent and easy to follow. When you’re bugging out, give up using anything scented on your hands.
That means lotions, too. If you put lotion on your hands to help with dry skin or to prevent chapped skin and it has a scent to it, someone can find you. Always choose the unscented brands and do a sniff test of anything you use on your hands to make sure there really is no scent.
It’s a good idea to use sunscreen for bugging out, but you need to make sure that the product that you’ve chosen doesn’t leave behind a scent trail. Some brands that are unscented still have an identifiable scent, so check that as well.
For people who use scented deodorants, you’ll want to give that up when you’re bugging out. Deodorant scents have a tendency to waft around in the air as someone moves his or her arms.
Any kind of shampoo that you use should not have a scent. These are easily tracked as well. Plus, you want to avoid fruity smelling shampoos because those can also attract insects. Make sure if you use conditioner, that it doesn’t have a scent, either.
If you use any kind of coating on your lips to prevent them from getting chapped, forego the scented or berry ones and use unscented only. Check your bug repellent for scent as well. Some of these can have a lemony scent. If you’re traveling with kids or babies, make sure the wipes that you use for them are unscented.