Official Department of Defense Pandemic Flu Preparedness & Protection Kit
“Don’t panic the masses” is the goal of government health officials.
In 2014 it was Ebola. The latest life threatening virus outbreak in 2020 is the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that started in Wuhan, China. The respiratory infection quickly spreading across China and around the globe including the United States.
Like the Ebola outbreak in 2014, health officials are assuring the public not to worry because everything was under control. But, is it?
We were told in 2014 that health officials, doctors and hospitals were all well trained and well equipped to handle any Ebola cases. But if you read the news about the first Ebola case in Texas, you can see what happened. It contradicted what the health officials said. The diagnosis itself was botched – meaning that Ebola slipped right through the cracks.
SARS-CoV-2 seems to be following a similar trajectory. We were first told it would take two weeks to flatten the infection curve. Two years later… we all know what happened. We have not been told the truth about this virus since the beginning and we still don’t know the ultimate outcome of this latest virus. Nevertheless, everyone should be on the alert and pay attention to the latest news reports about this virus.
Sadly, the majority of people are not only ill informed, but unprepared for this health danger.
Everyone should be prepared – not only with the basic essentials like food, water, and necessary medications – but with preventative measures like protection kits. These are kits that you can use if you find yourself in a situation where there are hot zones developing all around you. These are areas where diseases are highly contagious as well as deadly. Coronavirus falls into that category.
The Official Department of Defense Pandemic Flu Preparedness & Protection Kit is a pandemic kit that was created by the military for the military.
This means it’s top quality and designed to keep people safer when compared to other similar kits. It contains four surgical masks as well as two respirators, which meet regulation guidelines for particle restriction safety measures.
The kit also contains hand sanitizer. This is one of the key factors in preventing the spread of contagions. You can’t help but touch surfaces as you go about your day and public places are teeming with possible contaminants.
Children and young people have a habit of touching a surface and touching their eyes, lips or noses – each of which can be an entry point for the Ebola virus if they touch a surface the pathogen is on.
If you read the current CDC statements about coronavirus, you’ll see that the disease can live for some time on surfaces. Keep in mind that since health officials are wary of causing panic, you’re possibly getting a watered down version of the facts about coronavirus.
The kit also contains an information card with helpful guidelines about contamination. Everything comes in a carry along bag for home or vehicle use. It’s also handy for college dorms and any public place where pathogens can easily be shared in the event that this issue gets worse.