What’s More Important than Making Money?
Food is Security
In a world where market conditions are unstable, cash reserves in all forms may devalue, but food remains invaluable. Food is unquestionably the life-sustaining currency of the future, and unlike anything else food reserves insulate you from outside influences.
When you have food to eat, you are free.
People are accumulating food supplies and reserves for a variety of reasons. Having an adequate supply of long-lasting nutritious food provides a safety net for you and your family for many years to come.
Today, so many people are facing hardships they thought were impossible. In addition, our dollar continues to decline in value. Some of the financial challenges Americans are facing today include:
* Unemployment
* Bankruptcy
* Foreclosure
* Medical bills
* Credit card debt
* Disability
* Expensive childcare
* Increased costs of living
* Rising tuition costs
This is just a partial list and the list continues to grow. Throw in a change in governmental policy, a natural disaster, a strike by truckers or a season of drought, disease or you name it. Are you prepared?
With an agrarian society under the control of big business and big government, our modern food supply is almost completely out of our control. With few exceptions, we have become increasingly dependent on others to feed us. Even more, tillers of the soil are disappearing at alarming rates while fast food restaurants are multiplying. Imagine what would happen if food supplies were suddenly unable to reach grocery stores and restaurants for a variety of reasons. Where would you turn for your next meal?
Buying a farm and growing your own food is an unlikely option for most, even if you had the time and resources. What if you could invest in food reserves instead and protect your family?