The Basics Of Organic Gardening Pest Control
Are you upset at the amount of bugs and insects that infest your garden and which you presume are the root cause of all your gardening woes?
As a matter of fact, only about 5% of the bugs in your garden are harmful to your plants and the rest are either harmless or actually beneficial as in the case of butterflies which aid fertilization.
Many other of these small creatures either eat weeds or consume the eggs of harmful bugs. Of course, there are still many insect species that can ruin your garden and which have to be kept away.
Being an organic gardener you are already encouraging natural biological organic gardening pest control. Obviously you do not want to use chemical based pest control sprays and so on in your garden – it will no longer be organic. Your weapon against harmful insects is organic gardening pest control sprays which you can easily make yourself. Besides being very effective and ensuring that your garden remains organic, organic gardening pest control sprays are much cheaper than commercially produced chemical pesticides.
You can find details of how to make these organic pesticides in any detailed organic gardening guide but in general they come in five types.
- Strong odors drive away many insects and an organic gardening pest control spray made from strong smelling substances like tobacco, garlic and onions is very effective.
- Alternatively, many plants emit odors designed to drive insects away and spray made from these plants can also produce good results.
- An organic gardening pest control spray made from plant based soaps and detergents will repel many insects without harming the plants.
- You can kill many insect types by spraying them with a homemade mixture of vegetable and mineral oils which will coat their bodies and suffocate them.
The Organic Gardener’s Handbook of Natural Pest and Disease Control If that does not work you can make an organic gardening pest control spray out of a mixture of hot chilies and neutral alcohol that, when it comes into contact will the insects, will burn them.
Finding the recipes for these organic gardening pest control sprays is not difficult. Any organic gardening book or an online search will give you all the information you need.
Be warned that over using these sprays can be counter productive. Do not presume that just because they are organic they are not strong – using too much can damage your garden. Some of these sprays may cause your plants to burn if used in direct sunlight to try to use them in the evenings.