Tips for Organic Gardening
Organic gardening has become the choice for many people today. Chemicals are known to harm the environment and many organic gardeners understand this and avoid the use of such chemicals. When the soil is well nourished it does not require any added chemicals and this is what organic gardening mainly puts its focus on. Organic matter makes the soil fertile, airy and very moist. With such types of soil, plants in that garden will grow healthy all year round. Earthworms and other organisms are also released in the soil when organic matter is used to ensure that they release the required bacteria to make the soil healthy. Roots also grow much deeper in order to get to deep-rooted water and nutrients.
Organic gardeners have a very easy time maintaining their gardens without using chemicals because the only factors they need to consider are the sun, nutritious soil and water. Making the soil in a garden nutritious is very easy if the gardener knows how to make and use compost manure. Making compost is very easy and can be done in various ways including at home. This includes layering kitchen waste, leaves and other household waste that can decompose in a pit and leaving it there to turn into manure. The best type of compost is made when green and soft material is mixed with an almost equal amount of hard and brown material. The waste can be put in a corner in the yard in bins with lids that have a passage at the bottom. This is important because the already decomposed waste can be removed from the bin and the rest left to continue decaying.
To ensure that the decaying waste starts off in the right direction, a bit of already decayed waste should be added. This process is also much faster than leaving the decomposition to nature alone. This already decayed waste is referred to as compost starter and can also be purchased in many gardening stores or the internet. These compost starters bought in shops have enzymes and nutrients that speed up the decomposition process as well. This is mostly effective if the waste is hard and brown such as wood shavings and other wooden waste. The compost starter should be sprinkled on top of the pile to ensure that it decomposes easily and faster. Using homemade compost is not only cheaper but it is also very healthy for plants and ensures that the food produced from that garden is safe and healthy for consumption by people of all ages.