Augason Farms Emergency Water Storage Supply Kit

Most people never plan for an emergency. It’s not that they don’t know that emergencies happen, it’s just that everyone lives such busy lives, taking the time to prepare before a crisis doesn’t always rate high on the to-do list.
But the state of the economy and the issues going on every day are proof that emergency situations are coming. You might face a crisis where you find yourself not having any water or you might find that the water you do have in your home has suddenly become contaminated.
That’s why you need to make sure that providing for your family’s basic needs is at the very top of your to-do list.
The number one item that you need to have on that list is making sure that you have water.
You need to have enough water in storage so that every member of your family can survive for a minimum of three days. With the Augason Farms Emergency Water Storage Supply Kit, you’ll have enough water to make it three days and then some.
The wide barrel drum of the storage tank easily holds up to 55 gallons of water. If you ration it, you can make it for almost two months on that supply. The barrel is made specifically to hold water long term so that it will be ready for use whenever you need it.
The barrel is solid and sturdy and well made so that it will last for a long time. It’s also made BPA free so you don’t have to worry about dangerous chemicals being part of your water storage material.
The material is constructed to the quality that it passes the EPA standards for water and food storage. You can store water that’s been prepared and treated for drinking use for as long as 4 years without worrying about its viability when you use the water storage barrel.
When you order this kit, what you end up receiving is the 55 gallon barrel that’s been carefully constructed to hold water without damaging it. The kit was designed to be a closed system.
That means that you’re not going to be dealing with a lid that can pop off and contaminate your water supply. You also won’t be dealing with any ill-fitting lids or rubber seals that can crack or break and would let harmful bacteria into your water supply.
The kit comes with plug fittings in a 2” size that make it easy for you to fill or remove the water from the barrel. There is a 6” siphon hose that comes with the barrel along with the hand pump for drawing out the water.
You also get the barrel opener and the Aquamira water treatment that can clean 60 gallons of water for drinking use. When you want to use the water pump, you have to take off the smaller plug to put the pump in. Once you have it situated, then all you do is use the hand grip to pump the water out.