Finances Are No Excuse to Ignore Survival Preparation
If you ask people if they would like to survive in a disaster situation, every one of them would tell you yes, obviously. But if you ask them how many of them are actually prepared, you’d see maybe only a third of them (and that’s being generous) would say they were.
While everyone wants to survive, not everyone will actually work a plan to make sure that happens. There are always a variety of reasons that people give for not preparing.
Topping the list is always the excuse that putting a survival plan in action costs too much money. So they don’t prepare. They believe that the government will step in and help them.
What they fail to realize is that the government isn’t in the position to help people in the event that a disaster is catastrophic. Sure, the government can step in and help if an area or two is hard hit – but we saw how well that went in Katrina and other disasters.
But imagine a disaster of such proportions that it astounds the entire world. If something like an Ebola crisis began to hit hundreds of thousands of people in every city and in every state.
The government wouldn’t be able to keep up. If you weren’t infected and had to stay quarantined in place, you would become one of millions. How well do you think your needs would be met?
Are you financially prepared for a natural disaster?
You can’t afford to rely on anyone else and you can’t afford not to prepare. Learn how to make a plan with CFPB’s tips:
The problem that most people have when they use the excuse that they can’t afford to gear up for survival is that their outlook is far too broad.
They’re looking at a list of supplies as a whole rather than breaking them down and concentrating on building up in small increments. You can set aside the supplies you need for survival even if you don’t have all of the money you need at once because you can do it on a budget.
Even if you live paycheck to paycheck, you can afford to prepare. What you have to do is buy just a few survival supplies each month. As each month passes, your store of supplies will grow. Set aside a small amount from each paycheck to go into your savings account.
Get Prepared Now!: Why A Great Crisis Is Coming & How You Can Survive It
Are you and your family prepared for the greatest economic collapse that America has ever seen? Economic expert Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse Blog and Barbara Fix, author of Survival: Prepare Before Disaster Strikes, address the whys and the hows of getting prepared for the coming crisis in their new book. Topics include looming economic collapse, Ebola, drought and increasing weather-related disasters, our extremely vulnerable power grid, civil unrest, and practical steps for storing food and supplies that you will need.
Concentrate on reaching small goals first.
For example, you can prepare for a 72-hour emergency first. So what you do is focus your money on buying just what you need for each member of your family to live for three days.
Once you have those supplies, then you gradually increase what you have – such as preparing for enough food for a week – and you slowly increase those supplies to make sure you have enough for two weeks, and so on.
You can find ways to add money to your budget by cutting out things that you don’t absolutely have to have right now just until you get your supplies built up. Budget for everything and don’t waste money.
Use coupons – especially the buy one get one free coupons. Always shop for sales for your food and supplies. Sell some of the items that you have around your home that you don’t need or no longer use and then put that extra money toward building up your supplies.