The key to prospering in todays economy is…
Somebody once said,
“If you keep doing what you’ve been doing,
you’re going to keep getting what you’ve been getting.”
Let me ask you, what are you getting?
Are you getting what you want?
Or to put it another way, is your outlook for prospering in the next few years looking good or are you struggling to just keep your head above water? Or worse yet, are you already drowning and desperate to be rescued?
Perhaps you’re thinking the economic downturn we are experiencing now is about to get better soon…
Some experts say it’s just another dip in the same old economic cycle we’ve experienced in the past. Those so-called guru’s are the same ones that created the mess in the first place and like to throw around words like, recession, double-dip, depression, and recovery.
Well, it may be just a dip in the economic cycle, but do we understand the depth and breadth of this cycle? Do we understand where we are really at in the progression of the cycle? Do we understand what other elements might affect how the cycle unfolds? Besides the economy or jobs, how might energy or the environment affect things?
I don’t believe most people have a clear understanding of many of those things and thus have a distorted idea of the cycles’ timeline and what is likely to occur next.
The mainstream media keeps telling us the politicians and economists are saying we’ve got to do this or do that to get our economy growing again. We hear of plans to create jobs… They argue over balancing the budget… They talk about reducing the deficit… They waffle between tax hikes and tax cuts… all while the Federal Reserve continues to create more money out of thin air to bail out failing banks, failing manufacturers, and now.. failing countries.
Do you see the trend here?
“If we keep doing what we’ve been doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’ve been getting.”
Take a look at the events unfolding around the world. Do you suppose those events might reflect the same or similar cycle we are on here in America? Do you think the events happening might give us some clue of what we can expect to happen next if we stay on the path we’re on?
Do burning buildings or people being killed by repressive tyrants get your attention? Do wars and rumors of wars make you wonder what’s going on? What about weapons of mass destruction and the threat of terrorism? Do images of starving children tug at your heart strings? Does the message of the “Occupy” movement place you in the 1% or 99%? What about the increasing surveillance of citizens and growing police state dismantling our God given rights protected by a Constitution.. does that matter?
If we are to avoid riots in our streets, mass unemployment and hunger, and perhaps even regime change… we need a real game changer. We need to dramatically change the direction we’re headed, as a country and as individuals. And, don’t expect the next presidential election to bring the necessary change… it won’t. With the exception of one so-called unelectable person, every candidate and incumbent will keep us on the same destructive path we’ve been following for years.
So, what can we expect?
I would agree with Chris Martenson who says,
“The next twenty years are going to look very different from the last twenty.”
Remember the trend I asked you about earlier? What did you see consistent there? If you saw indecision and failure, you are already waking up and becoming aware.
That’s good because the key to prospering in today’s economy is to first be aware of how we got to where we are now and then to improve our understanding of what is likely coming next.
With that awareness and understanding, you can then put into place a plan for thriving in the coming years. It’s that awareness and understanding that compelled me to accumulate real wealth in silver.
I don’t believe the next twenty years are going to produce the kind of prosperity we’ve had in the past twenty years or so. At least, not for everyone and not in the ways we’re accustomed to. No, it’s going to look allot different.
Instead, I believe we’re going to see growing unrest as global economies struggle with out-of-control debt and desperate measures to maintain the appearance of civil control. Higher prices, higher taxes, resource scarcity (food, water, and energy), collapsing fiat currencies, and what is known as “austerity” – that is a reduction in the luxuries, consumer goods, and goodies we all like.
And folks, this is not some future prediction. It’s already begun – it’s part of the cycle we’re now on.
In just about everything in life, there are victims and there are victors. Victors always overcome, victors conquer any situation or obstacle that gets in their way and victors are winners no matter what. On the other hand, victims are always being taken advantage of, continually lose and are unable to even overcome their emotions or ignorance. Victors have potential, victims are pitiful. Victors control their life, victims let life control them.
Are you a victor or a victim?
Victors and victims define not only where people are in life but where they are going and what they are doing.
I believe there are lots of things victors can be doing right now to protect their families and ensuring a more prosperous future for themselves.
Victors always win, victims hope they win.
Victims sit idly by and do nothing…
hoping things will change.
Remember that message not long ago… “Hope and Change“?
How’s that working out for us?
Hope is a wonderful thing, but I’m not convinced that our entire future should be anchored on that alone.
Sure, we should continue to hope for the best… while at the same time we should prepare for the worst.
So, what can you do to prepare?
I believe a good place to start is to become educated. Knowledge is power – the language of victors, and thus power allows you to change what you’ve been doing and to conquer your situation.
If you’re going to experience prosperity in the coming days, months, and years.. you’ve got to change what you’ve been doing. You can either be a Victor who conquers their circumstances, or a victim who deals with consequences.
I have no idea where you personally reside on the continuum of education and knowledge. If you’re a victor, you probably already know what I’m talking about and might be fully aware of what is happening around us. You’ve probably already even begun taking steps to overcome your difficulties. Or, you might be a victim whose head is still buried in the sand, totally unaware of what’s going on, and feeling completely powerless to change anything.
Wherever you are… I suggest you take 45 minutes and watch Chris Martenson’s Crash Course. The Crash Course is the world’s most concise video seminar on how our economy, energy systems, and environment interact, and how they will impact the future.
Don’t worry… this won’t cost you anything but 45 minutes of your time and is available right now in easily digestible 5-8 minute pieces on your computer at:
After watching that, I suggest you explore more of the content of his website as you begin your journey towards empowerment.
If any of his information gets your attention and you decide to change what you’ve been doing, I encourage you to get back with me. I can show you some specific things you can begin doing personally to change the direction you’ve been headed, and how you can experience more prosperity in your future.