Ultimate Survival Guide When it Comes to Survival Conditions
The advancement of technologies has led to the production of modern survival kits that are more efficient and complete compared to the older versions. These survival kits are composed of survival equipment, outdoor clothes, emergency food products, water and more.
When talking about basic survival guidelines, many state of the art survival guidebooks are available to help individuals become prepared especially in terms of survival in the wild or natural calamities. Despite having the best survival kit out there, when one does not know and understand the uses and guidelines that come with survival, the kit is useless.
This is why knowing and understanding the endurance guides helps individuals with or without the best kits or gear.
A person must remember to avoid panicking because it can only worsen the situation. Thus, it is important to be physically and mentally ready to survive the wilderness.
Would you be prepared if you needed to survive in the wilderness? Survival expert Creek Stewart shares his cache of practical, easy-to-follow tricks to help you transform everyday items into valuable gear that can save your life. Survival Hacks takes you step-by-step through transforming simple objects like soda tabs and plant leaves into essential survival tools. |
It is essential to learn and understand six conditions regarding to be understand the technique for survival. These survival conditions are the following:
1. Pain – It is expected that being in emergencies, different conditions will be experienced such as pain. Although, pain is primarily ignored because of the panic situation, the time will come that it must be managed. Pain is a sign of injury, which must be treated before it becomes a more serious condition such as wounds that lead to infection.
2. Extreme Cold – Due to the absence of proper shelter, the wilderness often places an individual to experience cold temperature. This decreases the ability of a person to feel since the cold temperature numbs the body, affecting the capability to think properly, therefore decreasing the will to live. Thus, this condition can be avoided by staying on the move and resting only when a proper shelter is made or found.
3. Thirst – A person can survive at least 7-8 weeks depending on the physical physique without eating food. Without drinking water on the other hand, people survive at least 8-14 days. Among the worst conditions during survival period is thirst. A person who is unprepared may struggle with dehydration, thirst and dehydration is described as the enemy during survival. Dehydration can make the mind become dull or causing hallucinations.
4. Loneliness and Boredom – People who are in survival experience loneliness and boredom, this happens even when an individual is prepared or not. These conditions can make individuals keep their guard down when it comes to protecting themselves against wild predators in the area.
5. Fatigue – This condition is unavoidable in any kind of scenario whether by means of survival or not. It is vital to try one’s best to avoid fatigue because it can also lower the mental ability to counter-act, think, as well as other mental responses during emergencies.
6. Fear – Every person differs from his or her fears. Fear is a normal response for a person. However, when it comes to surviving into the wilderness, the fear eventually heightens because of the given situation. If fear is not controlled it may lead to panic accompanied by pain, cold, thirst, fatigue, loneliness and boredom. It is important to be calm and properly observe and counteract the given emergencies to be able to survive.
Knowing and understanding the different conditions with the use of ultimate survival guide help a lot of individuals beat the odds during life or death survival scenarios. The chances against the odds are always better with preparation.