Storing Firearms Protection in Your Home
Whether you only own a gun for home defense or you’re a collector, you’re going to need a place to store your firearms. Of course, you don’t want to leave them out where anyone can access them.
You want them to be safe and secure. The best way to ensure that your guns are kept in a safe place is to buy a gun safe. Gun safes come in all kinds of sizes, but you want to make sure you get one that fits your needs.
For example, if you only own a handgun, it would be a waste of space and money to buy a huge safe with room for 5 rifles and 6 handguns and boxes of ammo. So when shopping for a safe, the first thing you want to check is that it will contain all of your firearms.
You don’t want to go too small and have to leave a pistol out, or have to jam it in there in an unsafe manner. So get something of a reasonable size for your amount of firearms.
Next, you want to make sure it’s quickly accessible. Now, this doesn’t mean in the sense that a child can open it, but easy enough that just you can get in. If you only have a handgun, there’s a wonderful selection of gun safes for $100-$200.
There are some relatively low-priced safes that are also great options. For example, there’s the Stack-On 18 gun safe, only $250, and it has plenty of room for rifles, handguns, valuables, and ammo.
It’s very easy to get carried away and buy some massive safe, but it’s a poor investment if you don’t fill it and it’s hard to open. You should make sure you get what you need with a little bit of breathing room for ammo – otherwise you’ll find yourself leaving ammo out, which can also be dangerous for young children.