Strike Alert: A Product for Lightning Detection
Lightning is known to be the leading cause of weather-related deaths.
It may look fascinating when streaks of lightning simultaneously appear in an evening sky however it could be severely dangerous when one bolt strikes a person or a certain form of property.
A lightning bolt can kill a person while lightning survivors might experience serious health problems. People in the outdoors, either working or engaging in recreational activities are more likely to be hit by lightning. Fatalities and injuries caused by lightning have reported to occur more in the afternoon.
Moreover, it has been reported that damages caused by lightning strikes can cost over 4-5 billion dollars in the United States. It can damage towers and tall erect structures. It can also strike ground.
Lightning can strike anyone without warning.
The sign of an approaching thunderstorm could be the best indicator that lightning strikes may be encountered. Nevertheless, scientists and inventors formulated processes and technologies that can detect lightning bolt before a strike could occur. One of the lightning detection inventions is the Strike Alert.
Strike Alert is a product that can be used by people that work outdoors or engaged in outdoor activities. It can detect approaching lightning strikes from a distance of 40 miles.
Strike Alert comes with LED that illuminates when lightning approaches and can produce audible sounds when a strike occurs. A product of Outdoors Technologies, Inc., Strike Alert comes in portable design and with a clip. Two AAA batteries would be needed to power the lightning detector. The alarm sounds that it can create can be heard audibly. It comes with a power button.
Strike Alert can be acquired online such as
Lightning detection can help prevent severe injuries and fatalities.
It may be hard for someone to instantly know an approaching lightning strike as it can hit someone or something without warning. Staying indoors is a good way to prevent oneself from a lightning strike. However, some people need to be outdoors. To help these people from the dangers of lightning bolts, it would be helpful to use a lightning detector.
Strike Alert is one of the products used to detect lightning at a distance.