Preparing the Family With Lightning Emergency Management
In the State of Colorado lightning is the number 1 killer. In fact, it’s one of the worst life threatening atmospheric hazards in the world. For the record, there has been three hundred ninety four cases of death caused by lighting. Colorado is not actually alone. To note, Colorado is only eleventh in the United States with the most lightning casualties. So, how you do you make emergency management plans regarding lightning emergencies.
Here is one more fact for you, in a year, the average number of people being killed by lighting in bolts is an amazing seventy three. Odds of being hit by lightning is relatively low, but a ratio of two million to one, well, you could be one of this year’s unfortunate seventy three. Your family is not exempted. So even if you and your folks are in the safest of your house, lightening can still kill. Gather the family members around to discuss lightning emergency management.
The first thing you need to teach your folks is how to detect when a lightening strikes. If one feels that his hair is rising on the end, tell them to immediately fall to the ground. The hands must be on the knees but do not stay flat. When one is out in the streets during a lightening storm, stay away from telephone poles, trees or hilltops. When surrounded by trees, stay under the smallest one. Do not stay at the highest level in the house. Avoid wet places in the house and turn off electricity if possible. Never stay in the garage, bikes, tractors and golf cars are conductors of electricity.
As a good lightning emergency management tip, close all windows, or better yet stay away from them. Orient everyone in the family to never attempt to call during lightning storm. And finally, someone in the family, or if possible everyone, must learn how to conduct CPR. Remember that when nature rages, your family must be prepared to deal with its wrath.