Don’t Wait for the Government to Help
You cannot count on the government for help.
More and more people are warning these days that you should be prepared for a disaster or emergency situation without expecting anything from the government.
Remember Hurricane Katrina?
It seemed to take forever before the government evacuated those folks from the shelters where there was a disastrous shortage of food and supplies. Had those people been better prepared, perhaps they would not have suffered the long lines of angry people.
With all the recent government cutbacks and expected further budget cutbacks in the coming months, the problems would even be more desperate for unprepared people should another disaster occur.
The disaster need not necessarily be extreme weather either.
The threat of terrorist attacks looms heavily on some people. Others fear possible lock-downs by another declared pandemic.
Problems could occur because of federal or local government budgets that cause disruptions in the food supply. There could be food shortages at the grocery store, or the prices for what is available on the shelves may be far beyond the reach of many people.
Having your own food storage at home can insulate you from outside influences and could be a life saver for you, your family and others you may be able to help. Being prepared and self-sufficient can be that difference maker for you to survive something bad happening.
Having a food storage solution for your family does not need to be expensive. If you are already on a tight family budget, you could gradually build your food reserves over a period of time instead of doing it all at once.
There are many food storage suppliers out there and you would be advised to proceed with some caution. All food storage products are not created equal. There are some food storage products that will last forever, but taste like the cardboard box used to store them. Other food storage products may taste wonderful but only last a short time before they expire and becoming useless in your food storage supply. Do your research, get some samples and find a food storage supply that has food that tastes great and has a long shelf life.