Different Ways You Need to Prepare
Nothing is worse in a survival situation than not knowing what you’re going to do when disaster strikes unexpectedly. It’s one thing to not be prepared, but it’s quite another to not know anything about what to do so you end up panicking.
When a chaotic situation hits that has the potential to last for awhile, you will lose your ability to have clean water.
You won’t be able to turn on the faucet in your home and pour yourself a glass of water. Forget about using the line from your refrigerator to have some. You won’t be able to take a shower or flush your toilet.
While that might seem extreme, it’s happened before and you can bet it’s going to happen again.
Your water supply source is usually produced through the use of electricity. It takes electricity to power the water pumps that keep water pressure up and into your home. If you have your own well you’ll need a backup power supply to power the pump that brings the water up. For those folks that rely on public water supplies, when major power grids go down they will also lose their ability to have water.
When the electrical grid is interrupted for awhile, you’re going to quickly run out of water.
So unless you know how to survive off the grid, you won’t. That’s why you have to know what you’re going to do right now, today, before there’s an emergency need for water.
If you’re like many people, you might think that you can hang tight and just use whatever water you have around the house. Or you might think you can just hop into your car and head out to the grocery store where you’ll buy some. There will be thousands of people with the exact same idea. Your odds of finding a ready-made water supply that will last you at the grocery store isn’t a viable survival idea.
Even if stores are open, you can bet there will have been a run on the water supply and those shelves will be sitting empty.
If you think that the government will step in and run to your aid, think again. Just look back through major disasters at how quickly the government was overwhelmed with the level of need and people suffered without water, food or shelter while waiting for help amid the ruins of their broken, chaotic lives.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you can just hike out and quickly find a source of clean water. Water that’s outside is subject to all sorts of things that can make it unsuitable to drink in its natural state. Drinking water that’s filled with bacteria can cripple anyone with debilitating illness.
You can get prepared by having on the go filtering systems that you can use once you find water sources.
Don’t be afraid to stock up on filtering systems. You’ll want to make sure that you have an abundant way to prepare the water to make it safe to drink. You’ll also want to make sure that your on the go filtering system isn’t complicated.
You want something that will make the water ready to drink in as little time as possible. Plus, you want to make sure that any on the go filtering method isn’t bulky, since you may be traveling on foot for awhile.
The biggest key to surviving a crisis situation is being able to get to the water. There is plenty of water in nature but if you’re not sure where to go or how to get to it, then it might as well not exist.
Learn now where you’re going to go to get to the water. Before there’s an emergency, know exactly where all of the water resources are located in your area. But you’ll want to be careful that it’s not in an area where it’s heavily populated.
In a crisis, people are always the surprise element. You’ll want to be armed if it’s a heavy survival situation – to make sure people don’t steal anything from you. If you are looking for water… you can be sure others will be too.