Pure Water Hydration in a Coronavirus Pandemic
A threat to the nation’s health is emerging that has potentially devastating implications. Covid-19 coronavirus is present in all states and continuing to spread. If the virus mutates to have an even greater fatality rate, the effect on the world population will be dramatic.
More and more experts and even CDC officials are now openly talking about “millions of deaths” in the USA over the next 18 months. It’s no longer a conspiracy theory.
“The new coronavirus could kill millions across the U.S.”, said Dr. Kathleen Neuzil, director of the Center for Vaccine Development at the University of Maryland’s School of Medicine. – CNBC.com
Infrastructure Impact
In addition to human damage, the effect on the infrastructure will be considerable. Having a large number of ill people will be very destructive to the infrastructure. A major pandemic will disrupt essential public services and supplies and create temporary breakdowns in food delivery, electric and water utility service and possible public order in major urban centers. These critical industries are highly dependent on raw materials supplied by vendors and key employees with the expertise to maintain operations.
An Integrated Economy
The United Sates enjoys the benefits of a highly integrated economy with highly efficient delivery of goods and services and rapid communications. This level of integration allows for more efficient management of material inventories but could break down rapidly in the event of dislocation in any part of the chain. Disruption of channels of distribution for the food industry would result in rapid and near total shortages of food and water.
Planning for the Treatment of Dehydration
As part of an overall pandemic disaster survival plan, the role of hydration cannot be overemphasized. The human body can survive for weeks without food but only days without water.
Preventing dehydration ranks highest of all treatments for influenza and many experts feel that preventing dehydration in flu victims will save more lives than all other treatments combined. (Source: Preparing for the Coming Influenza Pandemic by Grattan Woodson, MD, FACP)
Most family survival plans provide for a sufficient supply of drinking water to last for an extended period in the event that normal drinking water supply is disrupted. Pure water is required for both drinking and cooking. Many estimates call for 1 gallon per person per day for as long as the normal supply is disrupted. (At least two weeks and possibly more).
A good source of bottled water is required since normal supplies will be disrupted.
How to Choose a Water Supplier:
A family pandemic disaster plan needs to provide for a consistent source of pure drinking water. Tap and well water are unreliable sources during a pandemic and bottled water is considered the best source by many experts.
Purified water, because all minerals and contaminants have been removed, is the purest water and has the longest shelf life of any bottled water. Extended shelf life is important if the pandemic is extended by subsequent waves of infection.
Many believe that distilled/filtered/oxygenated water is the purest, best tasting water with the longest shelf life.
In the event that a pandemic disrupts channels of distribution, avoid bottled water suppliers who source their product from remote springs with long supply lines.
Although no one can predict with certainty the timing of the Covid-19 pandemic, the risk is serious. Proper planning will serve to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. Like all disaster planning, a small amount of serious planning is cost effective and good insurance to maintain good health.
Plan for the worst and hope for the best.