Electromagnetic Pulse
When it comes to electromagnetic pulse (EMP), many people connect it to a nuclear bomb going off. But this type of disaster doesn’t have to be linked to a nuclear bomb to be just as devastating. It could happen from a massive solar eruption such as what’s known as the Carrington Event that happened in 1859.
That solar storm caused by a solar coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth’s magnetosphere and induced one of the largest geomagnetic storms on record. While we weren’t as technologically developed then, a solar storm of this magnitude occurring today would cause widespread electrical disruptions, blackouts and damage due to extended outages of the electrical grid. The solar storm of 2012 was of similar magnitude, but it passed Earth’s orbit without striking the planet, missing by 9 days.
This kind of event probably is not real likely, however it is possible. There is growing concern about a nuclear exchange in our increasingly destabilized and nuclearized world. As far as another Carrington Event, well… that is really in God’s hands and there’s not much we can do to prevent it from happening. I wouldn’t rank it high in my priority list, but since it is possible and the possible outcome could be widespread and devastating, it’s a disaster that should not be completely ignored. Once I have my other preps in order, it would be good to address this crisis as well. Many of my other preps for other kinds of disasters would, of course, also be helpful in the event of an EMP.
Using today’s technology, weapons using a force of electromagnetic pulse are in existence. This means that a country can experience the fallout from a nuclear bomb – but without ever having been hit with a nuclear bomb all because of the power of the shock wave.
The REAL Reason Why DHS Warned Large-Scale Attack Is Imminent
According to recent interceptions America is facing extermination. America’s stealth enemy has already advanced to stage 2 and it’s getting close to give America the final blow.
Don’t take this lightly, the CIA issued red code for more than 48 states. CIA Director James Woolsey and the EMP Commission suggested that an EMP is the most significant threat to the U.S.
Every country is vulnerable to this threat. Many countries have the technology that enables them to strike against their enemies – and like all weapons, the potential for a friendly fire accident is also possible.
In a new report from the President’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council and published by the Department of Homeland Security called “Surviving a Catastrophic Power Outage,” warns that the electric grid is the “prime target” of terrorists. It says, “There needs to be more individual accountability for preparedness,” and Americans are being urged to prepare for the up to six months without electricity, transportation, fuel, money, and healthcare.
Important Considerations for A Nuclear Event
Alone in the Apocalypse
This story is a post-apocalyptic tale about a series of solar events that test the metal of a man who just wants to live alone in remote Wyoming. Will the solar catastrophe or his fellow man kill him, or can he prevail? |
Impact of an EMP
Weapons that contain the ability to produce an electromagnetic pulse have the capability to completely destroy electrical grid, plunge the nation into darkness, and destroy all our electrically operated devices. Since so many things today rely on electrical systems, this could virtually cripple any city, state, or country. Estimates by the US Department of Defense’s EMP Commission Report say up to 90 percent of our population would die within the first year, mostly from starvation.
- Any airplanes could literally fall from the sky.
- Power grids will go down. Anything that relies on electricity will suddenly and without warning cease to work.
- You can’t go to the ATM and withdraw cash. You can’t walk into the bank and pull it from your accounts, either.
- Elevators won’t work. Subways won’t work. People will become stuck in place.
- You can line up at the gas pumps if your car’s electrical system isn’t fried, but you won’t be able to get a single drop of gas.
- You can go to the grocery store, but the registers won’t work.
- The traffic signals will all go dark.
- You won’t have any lights on in your home. No heat. No air conditioning. No refrigeration.
- Your city would go dark.
When something like this happens, civilization halts and recovery would be slow at best.
You can bet that people will come out of the woodwork in an attempt to take the stuff they need to survive. And of course, others will also come – the types of people who like to take advantage of disasters.
You need to be able to survive an electromagnetic pulse before one ever hits. To do this, make sure you’re not relying on electricity.
Have a solar-powered radio, along with flashlights. Have a way to keep warm. In the event you don’t have a fireplace and a stockpile of wood, have a store of Mylar blankets set aside for emergencies.
Have a way to test your water and the soil for radiation. Keep fuel hidden away so that if your car does work, you can bug out if your area was one that was hard hit. Keep your car packed with emergency supplies so that if an electromagnetic pulse hits your area while you’re away from home, you’ll be able to survive for 72 hours until you can turn to your long-term survival plan.